Can you help us shape the future of Digital Skills across Local London?

Digital Skills Employer Survey

Please complete the form below to show what your digital skills gaps & training needs currently are, thank you!

Your company details

Type of Company
Number of employees
6. Approximate annual turnover – please select
7. What area of London is your business primarily based? Tick all that apply

Your business activity areas

8. Which of the following do you specialise in or aim to in the next 3 years? Please tick all that apply
9. For general office software skills – do you have skills gaps in any of the following skill topics?
10. For design and engineering – do you have skills gaps when carrying out any of the following skills topics?
11. For BIM and Collaboration – do you have skills gaps in any of the following?
12. For modelling and simulation – do you have skills gaps in any of the following technologies?
13. For Digitisation and Virtualisation – do you have skills gaps in any of the following areas?
14. Do you have any Smart Communication skill gaps in the follow areas? Tick all that apply
15. Do you have any Automation and Robotic skill gaps in the follow areas? Tick all that apply
16. Do you have any Construction and Cost Management skill gaps in the follow areas? Tick all that apply
17. Do you have any Facilities and Asset management skill gaps in the follow areas? Tick all that apply
18. Do you have any Coding and Programming skill gaps in the follow areas? Tick all that apply

Getting involved with your Digital Skills colleges

20. Would you be interested in attending or sending employees to attend short Digital Skills Masterclasses run through immersive technology classrooms at a college near you?
22. Would you like to be contacted about having a tour of one the local Digital Skills Hub training facilities at a college near you?
23. Thinking about digital skills training you have accessed so far, did it meet your learner's skills needs?
Please tick here to confirm you’re happy for us to use your information to provide you with information about the Local London Skills Providers. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy